Editorial-Blog for April 2024


Hello Everyone,

     I want to wish all of you a Happy Spring as we launch wholeheartedly into what is undoubtedly the most dynamic time of the year.  March 21st, when the Sun moved into Aries, was officially the first day of Spring; but I feel like it’s really just beginning now.

     As a long-time teacher of the Tarot, and of Astrology, I have come to have a deep relationship to the four elements – air, earth, fire, and water.  Each of those elements rules it’s own season of the year.  As you can imagine, the Spring season is ruled by the element of Fire, as Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, appearing on the horizon at this time of year, is a Fire Sign.

     So, what does that mean? In my Tarot classes I teach that the Suit of Wands, which is the suit in the cards that correlates to the element of Fire, is about change and transformation in every sense, but especially physical.   In the regular playing card deck, by the way, that would be the suit of Clubs. If you were doing a card reading for the happenings in your life at this time of year, you would undoubtedly be seeing a lot of Wands (Clubs) in that reading.  That would tell you that change and transformation are all around you.  In the rush towards new beginnings, all of those things in your life that are no longer needed are being let go of, replaced, transformed, or burned away in some other fashion, as you move inexorably into the ‘new you’.

     Are the warmer, sunnier days bringing you outside more? Are you feeling that dynamic impulse to do some spring cleaning, to clean out the cobwebs in your life, and to make room for ‘something’ new in your life?  That feeling is the feeling of Spring.

    As a teacher of the Tarot I have studied this element; the element of Spring.  Spring is not tender, or gentle.  It comes raging in like the torrent of water pouring down the mountains as the snow melts, to flood the fields below.  It is the sound of deer horns clashing, reverberating through the forest, as two males fight over a female for mating rights. In your life, it is the choice, the decision, to get yourself out into the world, to fight for what you want, for what is yours.  It’s time to step up, to find the motivation for change.  It’s the time for action. This is a most exciting time of the year.

     Long ago, one of my college professors who taught Psychology, used to call April ‘suicide season’.  He said that statistically, more people commit suicide during April than at any other time of year.  I really don’t know if that still holds true.  But I do know that during April a vast number of my clients go through long periods of depression.  I believe one of the causes for that is that while for some, the advent of new beginnings and action is energizing, for others it is daunting and fearsome.  Some people are not ready to move on, it seems.  Not that there is anything wrong with that either; I’ve been there myself.  I often feel my easy chair calling me. If you are one of those people resisting change, not ready to move forward, take this time to get in touch with the natural world around you.  Let yourself be absorbed in nature.  Watch the male birds fighting with one another, while the females pretend to ignore them, and have a laugh to yourself.  Such is the cycle of life.  Enjoy the display.  Next month one of those males, and the female, will be building a nest, and there will be babies. The raging floods from the Winter thaw will sink into the thirsty soil, and new seeds for new life will sprout.  Such is the cycle of life.

     In our world we are going through major changes right now in every area.  Thoughts are things.  You create your future with every thought and you power it with every emotion.  Your most important work, right now, is to stay positive no matter what is going on around you.  Focus on the good things, the things that make you feel good, and that are uplifting and joyous.  We are in the Spring of our future right now.  Old forms and structures are passing, new ones are replacing them.  As always, in the Spring, these changes bring the clashing of opposites, and whatever is needed to wash away what’s in the way of the future we are all creating together. Such is the cycle of life.  Soon the more violent aspects of Spring will move on to explode into the true new beginnings it brings with it. Peace will be made.  Treaties signed and agreements made. As we move to the last days of the month, the astrological focus will turn from Mars (action, war) related things to Venus (nurturing, money and the things and people we love) related things.  Big changes are coming, financially, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and they will be good.  Get ready.  Clean those closets!

Love and Light,

Sandy Anastasi

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