Monthly Specials Feb 2025

1)    This month is the perfect time to celebrate February by honoring Valentine’s Day with a special future-oriented reading-coaching session with me and my Guides, that focuses on your relationships. The session is a combination of future projection and coaching for those relationships you cherish the most. There is a difficult theme in many people’s lives right now, involving relationships. Relationships are changing.  You may feel you are outgrowing some, or your interests have moved you in different directions, or your life experiences have torn apart some of your most special relationships. You may be feeling unfulfilled, or conversely, confused by your inability to bring happiness to the person you most cherish. Together, my Guides and I can help you to unravel the mystery of your changing relationships.  We can help you to identify and remove roadblocks to lifting all your relationships to that special place you know is possible, and help you to find creative ways to move through unexpected events and situations that make it hard to relate the way you know you want to! If you don’t understand each other’s differences, how can you resolve them?  Let me and my Guides help!  This reading incudes all of your relationships but if you are having difficulty understanding your life partner and their needs right now, this reading with my Guides and I will help you to do that too.  Is your relationship at a crossroads, facing a major life-change or big decision?  My Guides and I can help put all the variables into perspective, so you can move forward in a way that works well for you both. You deserve this special reading.  It will be recorded for you so you can share it, along with the astrology charts I use for it. The reading will be done on telephone or GoToMeeting.  It’s an amazing and life-changing experience that will give you great insight into all your relationships, the changes you are going through personally right now regarding relationships, and what may be your best way to navigate those changes and preserve and improve the relationships most important to you. Don’t miss out.  Register for it now.  It will only take about a half hour of your time, and it’s only $350.  Or, if you want a longer, even more in-depth session, reserve an hour for $600. Note this is a unique reading I am only offering for purchase this month, but it can be completed any time before the end of the year.

My guides and I are looking forward to helping you celebrate your very best, most perfect Valentine’s Day this year!  Let’s spread the love! This makes a great gift, too!

2)    I have several spots still open in my coaching program.  If you are at a transitional place in your life right now, and could use the help and guidance of my Guides and I as you move through it, or if you have great plans and goals in some area of your life that you want some guidance and structure with, please contact my assistant, Lisa, at [email protected] for more information, and to help you determine if my program is a good fit for you. 

Coaching with me and my Guides is a unique experience as we bring a combination of psychic insight, future knowing, empathy, and understanding – these tools become yours to use as you navigate the bumpy road ahead, able to see future choices with great clarity, finding and choosing the path that will bring the most success and happiness to you. Your coaching experience is designed to be empowering in a way that allows you to achieve the personal transformation and growth you desire, and to become the person you were always meant to be. Single sessions can be purchased at the same price points as my readings, but for best results an ongoing program is suggested. Check out the Coaching page at

3) My world-famous psychic development program, “The Anastasi System of Psychic Development” has just begun, and it’s not too late to join. To find out more about it, read about it and see testimonials from past students on my website,, email my assistant, Lisa Freeman at [email protected], or click below: 


4)    I invite you to check out the new Kabbala Pathworking Transformation Deck I’ve just created.  This is a truly magical deck of 24 cards that I designed with the help of ai to embody the key elements of each of the Paths we traverse in our Pathworking journey.  It’s a great addition to your Pathworking experience if you are or have taken my Kabbala Pathworking class, but it’s also a stand-alone deck that can help transport you to a higher dimension of all of life’s experiences.  It’s available for sale now – the cost is $35.  Actual shipping charges apply.




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