First off, I want to wish you a Happy Halloween and a very happy Thanksgiving, wherever you live in the world. In honor of the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US, I have created some very nice monthly specials for you, that will be available all month long.
1) My first “Black Friday for the Month” special is something many of my clients wait for eagerly each year, to get themselves off to the right start in the New Year to come. It’s my Year At A Glance, YAAG 2025 Reading Special!
I have brought this reading that I only offer at the beginning of each year in early this year, as so many people want to sign up for it that I am simply unable to accommodate everyone. Spots are limited. My YAAG reading will be on sale until spots fill up, but once the spots are taken, it will be taken down from my website.
What makes this reading so special? My Guides and I channel information for you, using your astrology chart and the astrology chart for the 2025 year. From them, we can give you a good idea of what (and who) will be your focus for each month during all of 2025! First, we give you an overview of the year ahead, then, you get a month-by-month accounting of what to expect and where the best place to put your focus is. We often get clues and hints about how to handle those things that are coming your way that might be challenging, and how to make the most of opportunities you might otherwise pass up. This is a future-forecast for you, and it’s one of the things I am best known for. I’ve been making accurate predictions for my clients for over 40 years now. Many of my clients return yearly just for this reading, and use it all year to plan ahead. You can become one of them!
Sign up for your half hour YAAG reading NOW! Delight a friend or loved one and purchase one as a gift! Schedule your YAAG 2025 reading with me now! The reading must be done before February 28th 2025. You can schedule your reading right away! Spots are filling up fast already, and when spots available are used up, the YAAG 2025 Reading Special will be removed from my website.
2) Register this month for my VIP Membership Program for only $20 a month or just $197 for the automatic renewable annual membership that you can cancel at any time! When you register for the full year this month, you’re going to get my special Free Bonus Gift! Read on, and find out more!
My VIP Membership Drive is continuing until the end of the year! Including November, there are only two more months to get in on this, before my special bonus disappears for a whole year! I’ll tell you about your bonus in a minute. First, I want to tell you what membership in my VIP Membership Program gets you.
First, you gain the amazing wealth of knowledge inside the program. Inside the membership you’ll find hundreds of fully downloadable MP3 audio classes in astrology, numerology, psychic and spiritual healing, psychic development, magic, metaphysical philosophy, Kabbala, tarot, divination, meditation and more. People have often told me this is the equivalent of a college Master’s Degree in Metaphysics, but without the accreditation! These aren’t just workshop overviews of each subject. They are in-depth, multi-lesson classes in most cases, perfect for you if you’re hungry to explore the entire field of metaphysics at your own speed and in your own way. The late Sharo’n Lynn Wyath, my good friend and well-known podcaster, told her listeners there is nothing like this on the web for ANY PRICE, let alone what I am charging you for this life-changing membership. Most of our members agree! Additionally, you will meet quarterly with me in-person online for our group coaching sessions to discuss whatever questions you and other members have. Remember, you get group coaching from me AND my Guides. There’s nothing like that anywhere, for any price! You get access to my VIP Community too, a totally private community where you can interact with other members safely. It’s like Facebook, but totally private, protected, and monitored by me and my assistant Lisa. I don’t have to tell you how precious it is to have the ability to interact with like-minded people interested in and studying the same things you are! Many of our Community members have become life-long friends! There are other perks as well. For example, you get a discount on any full priced reading purchased during your birthday month, and throughout the year there are events and discounts that only VIP’s get - like during our 2023 retreat, VIP’s shared a special breakfast with me. You are a VERY IMPORTANT PERSON in my world when you join my VIP community! As an added incentive, I’ve got a special bonus for you when you join this month, too!
Here is my promised bonus - I’ll be sending you an MP4 video, “What’s on The Other Side”! This special web-class is normally only available as part of my Evolution of Consciousness 6-month online course. It is my gift to you when you enroll in my VIP Membership this November at the $197 yearly auto-renew discount rate! Your bonus webinar automatically downloads to your smartphone or any other internet capable device! What a great way to celebrate the beginning of the holidays and get 25% off your first year of membership too - because that is your savings on your gift program!
Existing VIP’s can also get a download of this program if they bring in a new yearly member. Just send us their name, and you both get the gift! Or, existing VIP’s can purchase “What’s on The Other Side” this month only, for a very special discount of just $10!
3) Sign Up For The Anastasi System of Psychic Development This Month!
The Early Enrollment Discount on my Psychic Development Program that begins on January 24th, 2025 goes away soon! It’s the best discount I offer for this world-renowned program. Don’t miss out!
People are already enrolling, and the class is filling up fast! The world-renowned Anastasi System of Psychic Development is taught by me online only once a year from January through May. You can find out more about it on my website on my COURSES page. Most of the psychics and mediums you know and read about have studied this program, or learned from someone who has. Whether your interest in pursuing the development of your psychic skills is professional or personal, I promise that you will find all you are looking for, and more, in this program, as many, many people worldwide already have.
If you are thinking of joining the class this year, NOW is the time to get started, when you can get all the best discounts, and be assured of your spot. Class size is limited.
My very best discount for the class is this early enrollment full pre-pay option I am offering now. This option lets you buy this $3000 course for only $2,225. That gives you nearly one and a half complete levels of this six-level series for free! What’s more, if you purchase it NOW, I am offering a special 3-pay option so you will be billed $741.67 a month for November, December, and January. We must receive your final payment before the class begins on January 29th. To get this great 3-pay option please contact my assistant Lisa, at [email protected] and she’ll get you started!
If you purchase this class NOW, you will also automatically receive all the other benefits that will be offered during my public launch of the program in early January. And I’m giving you something extra special as well. There is a special pre-class webinar pre-recorded in your library that answers your important questions about anything concerning psychic development.
Note that all repeating students can register under early enrollment for only $1500 - that is half off of the full $3000! If you are a repeating student, REGISTER NOW and pay your $1500 in full and receive all the perks and bonuses that will be offered during the promotional period!
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