Kabbala Pathworking


New Kabbala Class Begins July 10th!

Pricing Options

Don't Miss this Once a Year opportunity to study the Kabbala with Sandy!



Second Time at Course







Third Time at Course


Kabbala Pathworking Card Deck

 I invite you to check out the new Kabbala Pathworking Transformation Deck I’ve just created.  

This is a truly magical deck of 24 cards that I designed with the help of ai to embody the key elements of each of the Paths we traverse in our Pathworking journey.  It’s a great addition to your Pathworking experience if you are or have taken my Kabbala Pathworking class, but it’s also a stand-alone deck that can help transport you to a higher dimension of all of life’s experiences. 

 It’s available for sale now – the cost is $35.  "Shipping available only within the Continental United States." Contact Lisa to purchase the cards. 

Kabbala Pathworking

Kabbala Pathworking is a major step in your own evolution.  Become more in-balance, connect with your Guides and your Higher Consciousness

Study with Sandy Anastasi

Become a true manifestor in every way!  This Course is your opportunity to study with renowned Psychic teacher Sandy Anastasi

Kabbala Book

Sandy Anastasi's Kabbala Pathworking e-book is included in this 24 week online course as a helpful study guide. 

This course consists of 24 magical and transformative sessions as you travel the Paths of the Tree of Life

Why Was the Kabbala Webinar Created?

One of my major loves is the study of the Kabbala. I have been teaching Kabbala Pathworking for over twenty years, and have had students all over the world purchase my book on Kabbala Pathworking, and my CD’s that set the individual guided meditations of each Path to music. Most of these students have wished to take the pathworking class in person, but have been unable to commit to doing that do to distance and travel constraints. Hence, the development of this online class. I want to reach more people, with a tool that is amazingly effective. All the way back in the 1990’s I ‘saw’ myself teaching Kabbala Pathworking via the computer.

The Kabbala takes you on a journey into yourself that helps you to understand yourself and your life purpose, get a handle on what you truly want, reshape both your physical body and your world, and open gateways to higher consciousness within your psyche. I offer the audio versions of each Path online, on my site, for free – so that people can purchase the book and guide themselves through the paths. If you listen to the introductory Path on this site, you will get a feel for what the actual pathworking experience is all about.

But without discussion, and without my guidance through this journey, many pathworkers are not getting from the book and even the online Paths what my in-person students do. The problem has been that although this tool is so amazing, with me directly teaching and guiding, it has been utilizable only in small groups, as the process takes six months or a year, depending upon weather a class meets weekly or every other week. Not very many people can take time off from life commitments to travel to my little town in Florida to study with me non-stop for the length of time required to complete this journey!

So then, we conceived the online class. From the privacy and comfort of your own home, you will be able to take the Kabbala Pathworking class with me teaching and guiding, just as I do with my in-person students. Through direct interaction with me online you will discuss and share your experiences, with me and with others, and gain a deep insight into yourself. This is my dream realized – there will be a nominal charge for each class, but it is well worth the gift of expanding awareness that you will receive.

This course consists of 24 magical and transformative weekly sessions of online guidance through video as you travel the Paths of the Tree of Life with Sandy.

Kabbala Pathworking is a life-altering major step in your own evolution.

Become more in tune, more in-balance, connect with your Guides and your Higher Consciousness, uncover your unconscious and subconscious blocks and issues and rise above them, change all of the relationships and situations in your life and in your world into what you desire them to be.

Become a true manifestor in every way!

Once you begin your studies, you can enhance them deeper with private Kabbala coaching sessions with Sandy. Sandy recommends that you book a coaching session with her after completing four of the lessons.  

This class is a steal at $597 per student for the entire 24 lesson class that actually a guided visualization technique using the Tree of Life as a roadmap to open and develop your own higher consciousness and it’s guaranteed to make a positive difference in your life.

This Course Includes: 

1)  Helps you to get in touch with your innermost self and help you to become balanced and centered in every area of your life.

2)  Helps you to handle relationships in a healthy and loving way.

3)  Helps you to identify and transform those areas of your life that aren’t working well.

4)  Helps you to change the energy around you in a way that also affects everyone around you in a positive way.

5)  Helps you to open your chakras, or psychic energy centers.

6)  Helps you to open and develop your intuitive and psychic abilities to their fullest potential.

7)  Gives you a personal roadmap for your own spiritual growth and development!



2024 online Kabbala class every Wednesday at 7:00PM EST



“The Kabbala can be an intimidating and overwhelming topic to tackle for everyday folks like myself. Sandy has combined extensive research and years of professional and personal experience with enlightenment from her guides to bring the principles of the ancient Kabbala to our modern world in a way that we can easily relate. Studying the Kabbala with Sandy has absolutely changed my life by expanding my personal awareness. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to increase their understanding of how they “fit” in the universe. Thank you Sandy!!”~ Bethany

“Kabbalah with Sandy changed my life. It helped me in dealing with a significant family abuse issue from over 40 years ago. That alone made the class worthwhile. The class has also gently nudged me into a path of becoming a better parent, daughter, sister, friend, and worker. I will be retaking the class because it continues to make me a better person”. ~ Carol

“I’ve been using the meditation techniques I learned in Sandy’s class each day since our classes. I find that I feel much less stress AND seem to be opening up to feeling more energy. In addition, my class partner and I have been doing our homework…establishing a time/date for a weekly “connection”…and we are having great success “receiving” each other’s messages! I can see already how Sandy’s class is changing my life…so glad to have the opportunity to experience her class” Bev“I participated in your class this weekend (along w/ my three rowdy friends). I want to thank you for you time and energy! Many times during class I thought I wasn’t “getting it”, and at the end of both days I felt exhausted. This morning I awoke, rested and don’t know exactly how to explain it, but feel lighter. (though I know I need to loose 20 LB”S). My senses are turned up several notches and when I am moving around I feel the air touching me. It’s pretty cool“. – Amy

I’m sure u heard it all before. But please thank Sandy for herself..(Love U), her guides, and the class she gave.. It’s the Class That Keeps On Giving! Whoa! I know you are busy, I won’t go into gushy details, However thank u, thank u, Thank You;))) Shine On…”.- Kim“Sandy is a GREAT teacher and the Psychic Development Course has added so much to my life!! It is like viewing everything in black and white and then going to color!! I have learned how to find signifigance in the little things that if you are unaware slip right on by you without notice! You HAVE to learn how to open yourself up to “seeing…hearing…and feeling.” Sandy has taught me how to do this safely. That and so much more!” – Lila

“When I first saw, or rather discovered the kabbalah course I wasn’t sure what to think but I wanted to try it. Little did I know that I would be meeting some of the nicest people I’ve ever met with like minds, something so hard to do in the real world. It made me feel like I was in the right place & this is/was for me. It affirmed what I thought. But I never expected, but will be eternally grateful, for the advice for me along the way. Special shout out to Lisa for the emails helping me during my trip! The classes & interactions calmed me, helping me visualize things & put them into perspective in a crucial point in my life when I was questioning many things, — well, you are both psychic.   The  guidance and wisdom gained from the paths and the two of you have made a very positive impact on me and my life during a time of self-reflection, inner turmoil and ultimately, growth.  I was guided to this class and to both of you, of this I am certain.  It (the class) has also sparked an interest in things I wasn’t sure I was interested in.  I found myself missing class last week and decided to do some research on some related topics and had a blast on the internet following various links on links and getting totally lost in a topic, the internet rabbit hole! lol!     I’ve found a new interests in a crucial time in my life and a new, better way to cope with life’s curveballs.  I do miss hearing a guided path every week and hearing your voice, Sandy.  Both of you are Earth Angels. Everything I have read and have learned about them seem to you the two of you to a “T”. G-d bless you both. With much love and respect, ~Sheri

Intro to Kabbala Pathworking VIDEO



Ready to Study Kabbala Pathworking

This is your opportunity. Study today with Sandy Anastasi!


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