Tarot Tip #26 Using the Astrological Layout to Identify People

 In my Last tarot tip, I showed you how to easily identify a client’s pet when using an Astrological Layout for your reading. 

     As you are well aware, identifying who people are in your client’s life is one of the most challenging things for a new tarot reader to learn.  Most tarot spreads rely on the reader’s intuition to identify the person, or if the reader can give enough insight from the cards themselves into the persons personality, we hope that the client can identify the person themselves.

     The astrological layout makes people identification easy, as each person in your client’s life occupies a different position in the reading. There is no guessing involved!

     In my Tarot Tip #25 I introduced this concept as we learned how to identify your client’s pet.  Here, we’re going to take a deep dive into virtually everyone else in your client’s life!

     Incidentally, you don’t need to know astrology to use the Astrological Layout.  All you need is a circle of 12 cards; if you know astrology you can mentally note that each card position is a ‘house’, but if you don’t, you’ll mentally see the card positions like a clock face.  Using the clock-face analogy, 9 o’clock is your first card position, 8 o’clock the 2nd, 7 o’clock the 3rd, and so on moving counter clockwise.

     The most important people in your client’s life are usually their significant other if they are married or in a committed relationship, their mom and dad, their children, if they have them, and their friends.

     Your client’s significant other will be shown by the card in position #7 (that would be the 7th house, or 3 o’clock), their mom would be in position #4 (that would be the 4th house, or 6 o’clock), their dad would be in position #10 (that would be the 10th house or 12 o’clock), their children would be in position #5 (that would be the 5th house or 5 o’clock), and their friends would be in position #11 (that’s the 11th house or 11 o’clock).

     Try a few readings using the astrological layout, and see how well you are able to identify and describe what’s going on with each of these people in your client’s life.

     If you are very visual, you can easily create a blank astrology chart as an aid.  Just draw a circle, divide it into 12 equal sections, and label them 1-12. Start at the 9 o’clock point and move counter clockwise, numbering each section as you go. When I first learned this myself, I always used the circular template labeled with the card positions until I’d really learned them.  I even wrote in each pie shape which person ‘lived there’!

     In my next tip I’ll be adding on extended family members positions, bosses, siblings, and more.  I will always fondly remember reading an elderly grandmother who wanted insight into the lives of all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.  Using this layout made it possible to do that reading.  Enjoy! 

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