An Overview of December’s Transits and How They Will Affect You:
We begin the month with Pluto at 0 Aquarius, close to the beginning of its 20-year path across that sign. If you keep a journal from now through May 4th when it makes its first retrograde, you’ll have good insight regarding the things it’s going to be transforming in your life over the next few years. Meanwhile, we’re back on track for where we were heading at this same time last year, financially, economically, technologically, medically.
When Pluto turned retrograde last year in April we all got drawn back into a lot of old stuff that I’m sure we’re all glad to be done with now. Isn’t it nice to finally be moving into the future we were promised?
Of course, there will be new challenges and some setbacks…but it is time to chart a new, exciting course into our futures. Mars, Jupiter and Uranus will remain retrograde all month long, and they won’t go direct until February. That means that we’ll still be putting out some fires, so to speak, and addressing old lingering issues, throughout December and January, and even the first part of February.
On the World Stage there is likely to be a lot of saber-rattling, conflicts, and behind the scenes maneuvering in politics, alliances, and domestic and international finances. If you are involved in any of these things, pay attention and be ready to take appropriate action. Idealism is joined to action right now for good or for bad. Opposing groups are likely to join forces against a common enemy. Ultimately arbitration diplomacy will be required to win the day (and the month) both in the World and in your personal life. It seems like we are in for an exciting (but overall a good) Holiday Season.
Now, Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for December 2024:
Aries – Past issues and people from your past are coming to you this month. It’s important to be in touch with your feelings and to trust your intuition. You may be travelling this month, or have some company from afar. If you’re in the health field expect work to be very demanding; if you’re not (and maybe even if you are) expect that there will be some personal health issues related to your mate or extended family. You may feel like Superman (or Superwoman) but try not to overdo it, and have a great holiday!
Taurus – With Uranus in your solar 1st house, this Holiday Season should be one to remember! Expect the unexpected, stay flexible, and choose the best opportunities, and things should go well. Money and legal matters weigh heavily on you at the moment. You and your mate or partner need to be on the same page, and it’s a good idea to get informed professional advice. It’s a good time to strengthen a romantic relationship; you may also find yourself giving romantic advice to a friend or a child, if you have children.
Gemini – Your overall focus for the 2024 year has been on money, finance, work and business, Gemini – but this month that focus makes a powerful shift to your mate or partner. It’s important to have open and clear channels of communication. Travel or travel plans, or the possible expansion or purchase of a home or second home may be discussed. You and or your mate may be working from home, or developing a home-based business. It’s time to be clear on your dreams and to begin implementing them.
Cancer – Daily life activities can be a bit overwhelming, but also fun this month. Someone’s health issues may claim a lot of your attention. This is a month for sharing, and giving attention to family members near and far. If you travel for the holidays, it’s likely that you’ll be visiting family or extended family – or travelling with your family! You may have some concerns about a dominating and manipulative woman – but these issues will prove to be unimportant. Work may interfere so plan your time carefully.
Leo – This month you get to play like a child again! Or, you may just have a lot of family members and children around you. One thing’s certain – children, or the children of your heart (your creations), or romance will be your chief focus. This is a good month for travel, but someone’s health issues may be an interference, and financial worries may keep you close to home. Finances are likely to fluctuate wildly all month long, so do plan for that rainy day and save a portion of your ‘wins’.
Virgo – You’ve got a lot going on this month, but you can handle it. Splitting your time between friends, family, and you mate and colleagues at work will be a bit crazy, but doable. Home is where your heart will be though, for sure. You may have to meet and even entertain folks you barely know; don’t let that worry you. Travel or possible plans for travel or a move of your home or work shows up strongly this month. Yes, that would be good for you! It is time to move forward.
Libra – Friends and family, especially siblings, are very important all month long. This is a great time to share interests, future plans, reconnect, and to dream together. Your communication skills are extremely good this month so it’s a great time to connect with others, write that book or journal, teach, speak, study, learn, and grow. Rewards come with all those activities. It’s also a good time for both short trips and long-distance travel, or to at least lay some special plans for the future.
Scorpio – Finances, money, developing your skill set for future endeavors – these things occupy you this month. You may also lay plans for travel; a vacation or vacation home on or near the water would suit you well. Health matters for you or someone close are improving. Plan carefully as your current actions have far reaching consequences regarding your future, as well as that of a mate or partner. Flexibility is a necessity as windows of opportunity from unexpected sources open and close quickly.
Sagittarius – This is your month Sagittarius! Happy Birthday! Time spent with friends, family, and children will be enjoyable this month, and you may either travel to visit someone, or a distant friend or relative may visit you. Healing of an old wound created by a family member or old friend is possible. Finances are looking up but are still unstable. You feel like you need to know more about something so need to research. A new partnership or career opportunity looks like it will be coming your way.
Capricorn – This is a month of deep introspection for you. What do you want? Where do you see yourself? Change is on the horizon. Your home is a place of healing; a close friend or your mate or partner stimulates you to grow in a new direction that feels good. A change in your residence, and possibly a change in your career path or life direction is slowly becoming clear. Moving back to an old place or into a previous career path can open future possibilities for you.
Aquarius – Spending time this month with close friends and family will be good for you this year. There is travel; possibly distance between you and someone you love. You are facing many of your fears lately, and either hiding them or moving through them. That is your choice. You feel trapped by something. Figure it out, and you are free. Chronic health issues plague either you or someone close to you. Much of this comes from fear and worry. As finances improve, so will health and many other issues.
Pisces – This looks like a great month for you, especially regarding your work, business, or career. A new beginning is at hand. You may be traveling for enjoyment, or making travel plans, or plans for a move of your home and or your work. An old wound is healing. A bit of juggling regarding a close relationship will be necessary as you move forward. Good communications and strong leadership will help you work out what you need to in order to move forward with your ideas and plans.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my predictions for December 2024 and found them useful. Let me take this opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanza, Happy Hanukah, and Happy Holidays to all! I’ll be back as the New Year starts with more predictions and insights for you!
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