An Overview of February 2025 Transits and How They Will Affect You:
February is bound to be an interesting month. You’ll see a lot of political maneuvering, on the world stage as well as in your work and family life. Trust your instincts in all things this month. It’s time to start the healing process in your life, and your world. Shake off negativity and ‘poor me’ syndrome. Make sure your helping hands address real needs. Look inward and discover your own inner treasures. Mars finally turns direct in Cancer, sign of the family and the sun sign of the US, on the 24th.
Now, Here’s a look at what’s going on for each Sun Sign for February 2025:
Aries – You are discovering new healing abilities within yourself. Along with this, your empathy is intensifying. Be aware of not ‘taking on’ the attitudes, illnesses, fears, or problems of others. Learn to use your empathy as a helping tool, don’t be a sponge. This month you’ll face down many of your own hidden fears. This will make you stronger. You have many skills you’ve mastered at work. Time to apply them to your personal life. Endings are all around you. Friends continue to be a great support.
Taurus – Career opportunities and possible changes in your circumstances are available this month. Expect extreme fluctuations in your finances; plan for both the ups and the downs. It’s important to share your plans and dreams with certain key people, but be careful about letting the word out at work; gossip can be a difficult thing to get a handle on. Expect a lot of commotion in your work environment as major upheavals are likely to occur. Remember that great opportunities accompany great changes.
Gemini – You may be travelling, or planning to travel, this month. Spending a lot of time on the internet too, is likely. Opportunities and potentially beneficial changes in your career or life direction will present themselves. People and situations similar to things from your past may return in a way that you can build upon them. There are concerns for your own or a pet or close family member’s health. Trust your intuition. Time spent on or near the water will be important.
Cancer – You feel like you are experiencing a rebirth. Finances and business opportunities improve. Career options include travel, and anything creative, intuitive or psychological works well for you. You might be thinking of moving your work or your home for financial, health, or family-related reasons. A move may appear frightening or uncertain, but may have many hidden benefits. A step back into a past situation may revive skills and abilities that can benefit you moving forward. Trust your intuition.
Leo – It might be a good idea to slow down a bit. Rushing headlong into some plans involving a partnership or friendship might benefit from a bit more thought. Health issues plague you or someone close to you. These must be addressed. It’s time for careful financial planning, with the help of a close friend or family member, and a trained professional. You’ve been doing a balancing act for a long time that you can no longer sustain. Some big choices are ahead of you. Follow advice but also your own intuition.
Virgo – It is so much easier to make choices when you have no one depending upon you. Alas, right now, you do need to concern yourself with what others think and want, especially regarding finances. Your instincts and intuition are strong, so do your best to guide those folks you are concerned with, but let them make their own choices. Ultimately, each of you has to follow your own path but you will all grow from the experience. Your close friend, partner or spouse is your best support.
Libra – Your energy is high and you are bringing your experience and powerful self-confidence to work for you. You’ve got all the support you need; it’s time to put your plans into motion. You are about to take the first step on a journey that sets the stage for many years to come. Let your intuition be your guide as you make some important life choices. Be clear on what you want. You are moving in two directions at the same time. With careful planning success is guaranteed.
Scorpio – Family, friendship, home and health issues surround you this month. It will be an emotional time. Old issues, situations, and people may return. Responsibility weighs heavily on you. Meanwhile, travel, career, and life-direction choices must be made. Travel or travel plans, possibly between two homes or places of work, are a probability. Well-laid life plans will be revisited and possibly revised. Expect financial ups and downs. Home will remain a place of quiet retreat.
Sagittarius – This month promises to be filled with life changing events, especially surrounding finances. A shift of perspective back to past situations and circumstances is needed. Try seeing things through the eyes of another. Travel is a possibility. Let go of something that used to be important. Family, household or home issues need to be addressed. It’s a good time to clear the air with a friend or sibling. Expect the unexpected. Anything can, and likely will, happen. Time for a new business?
Capricorn – What do you want? It seems recently your objectives, wants and desires have been in turmoil as your perspective is changing. Allow the change. It’s time. Powerful women surround you. Enjoy the help, support and guidance, but keep your own counsel. Mental creativity is key this month. Only you can organize all these new things. Someone is undermining, seeking to hold you back. You are only seeing your own fears reflected back at you. What do you want? Accept the challenge.
Aquarius – It seems that you are at that time where some major life choices need to be made. Do you follow your own dreams going forward, or set them aside in favor of responsibilities to others? Do you fear consequences? This is not a new choice; but this time it affects you in a far more permanent way. You are ready for change, perhaps a move of your residence or work. You desire freedom. Try taking the longer view. See the larger, less personal perspective. It’s impossible to know everything before you leap.
Pisces – A new journey of sorts begins this month. It’s emotional. It’s fearful and joyous at the same time. You have choices to make. If you move forward with the present path, you must leave the past behind or you poison the future. Healing is important for you and by you. Can you actually allow yourself to be guided by your emotions? It might be interesting to give that a try. Children, pets, romance, artistic creations, are all in the mix this month. You have time. Don’t let pressure push you into a mistake.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my predictions for February 2025 and found them useful. I’ll be back next month with more insights for you!
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